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Carbonated soft drinks :Carbonated beverages are the highest consumed drinks around the globe, and include soft drinks, energy drinks, juices, carbonated water, and coffee. Carbon dioxide gas is incorporated into beverages at high pressure

Carbonated soft drinks are commonly known as soda. The name “soft drink” infers that the beverage does not contain alcohol, which is considered a “hard drink.” Carbonated soft drinks are available in types that are sweetened with sugars or with the sugar substitutes.

These fizzy drinks have an acidic bite and produce a pleasant tingling, cooling sensation with every sip. The bubbles also carry the aroma of the beverage to engage your sense of smell as well as taste. This added flavor helps enhance many of our favorite beverages.

Soft drinks provide a slight caffeine boost that can be healthy in moderation, but overall, they do more harm for your body than good. Sure, soda is delicious, but you probably don't think of it as being good for your health. It's well-known that soft drinks are full of empty calories and a high sugar content.